Monday, April 27, 2009

Family Camping Night Re-Cap!

Family Camping Night was a "wild" adventure! Almost forty children and parents attending - and all had a great time! The atmosphere was set, complete with tents and a mock campfire!
We began the night by making "warm fuzzies" which were yarn balls that symbolized a hug. During our "get-to-know-you" game, the children exchanged hugs and warm fuzzies as they made new friends! Dana led everyone in a short devotional time where we learned all about God's wondrous creations in nature (Psalms ---). Then the fun began! We rotated between three stations - Stargazing (where we saw the stars projected on the night sky), Crafty Campers (where children and their parents chose between four crafts to create and take home), and Campfire Cooking (where the children constructed an edible campfire complete with roasting marshmallows). The night ended with sleeping bags, flashlights, and campfire songs! We had a great time around the campfire as Nick Eide led us through several rhythmic and familiar songs!

Thanks Nick and Kevin for a great campfire sing-a-long!

Everyone found something they enjoyed during the stations!

Everyone was comfy in their PJs and used their flashlights to light their paths!

Some jammies were fancier than others!
The night was such a success that there are plans underway for making this a yearly event!
So if you weren't able to make it, watch the Scroll for next year's date!

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